In Motion With the Legend Platform
Part 1
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Part 2
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Departure from the usual can be a powerful teacher. Listen to this Forum Talk episode about applying the Legend Platform Ben describes and outlines in detail on the pages of Think Two Products Ahead.
Walt Laurel, one of three people currently licensed by Ben to facilitate and coach groups and individuals about Legend Platform branding and Irwin Glenn, social network community expert and trusted advisor to Ben, demonstrated briefly what goes into developing a Legend Platform.
Two volunteers from the our online community raised their hands and took advantage of the opportunity to take a few steps closer to their own Brand Essence.
Is that all there is to it?
No not at all. Your hearing a couple of very short focused examples of how to discover a Legend Platform. This is only a taste of the work required to get to the core of your own Brand Essence.
However, once the work is complete on your Legend Platform, you'll have a Brand Essence for your business that will last for life of the business. Do the work one time and enjoy the rewards for many years to come.
Special thanks to:
Juanita Bellevance
Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD
Irwin Glenn
Walt Laurel
Click to join Ben's subscriber list and pick up your copy of Think Two Products Ahead right now. The mouths you feed will be glad you did.
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Part 2
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Click one time on the Part 1 player to activate. Now click on the arrow to play or pause. Repeat the steps to enjoy Player 2.
Departure from the usual can be a powerful teacher. Listen to this Forum Talk episode about applying the Legend Platform Ben describes and outlines in detail on the pages of Think Two Products Ahead.
Walt Laurel, one of three people currently licensed by Ben to facilitate and coach groups and individuals about Legend Platform branding and Irwin Glenn, social network community expert and trusted advisor to Ben, demonstrated briefly what goes into developing a Legend Platform.
Two volunteers from the our online community raised their hands and took advantage of the opportunity to take a few steps closer to their own Brand Essence.
Is that all there is to it?
No not at all. Your hearing a couple of very short focused examples of how to discover a Legend Platform. This is only a taste of the work required to get to the core of your own Brand Essence.
However, once the work is complete on your Legend Platform, you'll have a Brand Essence for your business that will last for life of the business. Do the work one time and enjoy the rewards for many years to come.
Special thanks to:
Juanita Bellevance
Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD
Irwin Glenn
Walt Laurel
Click to join Ben's subscriber list and pick up your copy of Think Two Products Ahead right now. The mouths you feed will be glad you did.
Labels: "Ben Mack", Branding, Legend Platform
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